[April 2024 Edition]
A Groundbreaking Achievement
Preserving the viability of native human skin explants is known to be a limiting factor that hinders the possibility to conduct long-term and repeated dose studies. In traditional plasticware and static setups, a rapid degradation of the viable epidermis and dermis occurs, significantly restricting the testing period for topic cosmetic & dermatological products to a mere 7 days from the harvesting time. This limits the insights that can be obtained from native skin explants on their long-term effects.
Leveraging on the enabling microfluidic features of ReleGO™ and the REVex™ chip, we are now able to extend the “usable window” of native skin explants to 20 days. This unprecedented achievement is pivotal to better understand long-term effects of single and repeated doses of your ingredients and products.
Follow the timeline of the H&E sections below and witness how, when culturing native human skin on our ReleGO™ & REVex™ platform, the viability and the morphology of the epidermis are preserved and maintained for 20 days. This is not possible with a static culture approach.
This demonstration is the first of its kind and opens up avenues not only for repeated dose studies of formulations & ingredients, but also for transdermal and subdermal delivery studies.
Follow us to get updates on how REVIVO BioSystems’ technology can help you conduct long-term culture of native human skin explants and advance your cosmetic, dermatological and transdermal research.
Join us into the new era of ex vivo studies. Schedule an appointment with our expert team to learn more details here.
Other April Highlights
Innovation Award from the Italian Minister of University and Research and Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The highly innovative value of REVIVO BioSystems’ solutions and technology has once more received international recognition. Our CEO, Dr. Massimo Alberti, received the prestigious “Innovation that speaks Italian” award, in recognition of disruptive Technological Startups operating abroad and founded by Italian citizens. The medal was presented by the Italian Minister of University and Research at the National Conference of Science and Space Attachés and Agricultural Experts in Turin (Italy).
This achievement marks an especially proud moment for REVIVO BioSystems as it is the first time such an honor has been awarded to an Italian entrepreneur in Asia.
Read more on our website.
REVIVO BioSystems’ webinar series
This month REVIVO BioSystems successfully hosted the first episode of a webinar series, marking the beginning of an engaging path intended to connect with our global audience. This first session focused on the "Basics of Organ-on-Chip", setting the stage for deeper explorations into our proprietary technology in the upcoming webinars.
Our webinar series aims at offering our audience a comprehensive understanding of the features and capabilities of our 4D organ-on-chip platform and 4D tissue models. Through presentations, instrument demonstrations and live Q&A segments, we will tackle direct questions, clarify essential concepts, and offer valuable insights into how our technology is transforming in vitro and ex vivo testing research.
For questions, please contact us at sales@revivobio.com.
If you missed “Basics of Organ-on-chip 101. Understanding the foundations” - catch the repeat sessions, which we will be running periodically. Stay tuned on the dates!